examples of holds and throws click to hear : examples of holds and throws

Griff- und Wurfbeispiele click to hear : Griff- und Wurfbeispiele

examples of holds and throws image

sweeping hip throw click to hear : sweeping hip throw

Hüftwurf click to hear : Hüftwurf

stomach throw click to hear : stomach throw

Kopfwurf click to hear : Kopfwurf

naked strangle click to hear : naked strangle

Halsumklammerung click to hear : Halsumklammerung

major inner reaping throw click to hear : major inner reaping throw

Große Innensichel click to hear : Große Innensichel

one-arm shoulder throw click to hear : one-arm shoulder throw

einarmiger Schulterwurf click to hear : einarmiger Schulterwurf

major outer reaping throw click to hear : major outer reaping throw

Große Außensichel click to hear : Große Außensichel

holding click to hear : holding

Haltegriffe click to hear : Haltegriffe

arm lock click to hear : arm lock

Armhebel click to hear : Armhebel